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I Started and Ran a Business During Quarantine. How did I do it?

I have a lot of dreams. Dreams aren’t always attainable not do they actually come true very often, but this did. I started making earrings to sell, by myself! While I am not the most detailed person, I try my hardest and have had excellent responses from customers. In this article, I’m going to explain how I made this happen, how I made my dreams come true. If you have a dream of starting a business too, my experience might be a great starting point for you!

If you would like to order some email me at [email protected].

How did it start?

It started with an Amazon package, as a lot of things now do. It was a starter oven-bake clay kit! I started playing around with it and made some earrings for my friend’s birthday. Then, I posted them on my Snapchat and got some orders! The way my business works, I only make a pair of earrings once an order comes in.

How am I keeping everyone safe?

I always have safety in the back of my mind. I really, really don’t want to make anyone sick. Here are some steps and precautions I take:

The making process- First, I always wash my hands, this makes sure that the earrings don’t have any dirt specks in it and it is sanitary. Also, any bacteria that is left is gone, after being baked in the oven

Delivery/Pick-Up- We always make sure everything is contact-free. Once it comes out I only touch the platter and put it in a bag! I either ship, deliver, or do pick up. They will come in a baggie with your name on it.

In conclusion, at least for my business, it isn’t too hard to run! Follow your dreams and start your own business. And don’t forget to buy some custom earrings from me!

Signing off,


Lucy Domingo is a middle schooler from Washington State and is an avid theatre performer. She also has a podcast where she interviews Broadway stars. In her free time, she enjoys dancing, singing, and hanging out with friends.

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