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3 Tips For a Successful Babysitting Endeavor

Babysitting can be a really effective way to earn money, especially if you enjoy working with children. However, it isn’t always simple, so here are some tips to help prepare you for any babysitting jobs that may come your way:

1. Get to know the child and family beforehand

Every family, and for that matter, child, is different so it’s always beneficial to familiarize yourself with the family beforehand. This includes getting to know about the child’s schedule (do they take naps? If so, when?), and the nuances of the family (is there a specific way that the child will eat food, any specific rules about watching tv?). Along with all of this, it’s also beneficial to ask the parent for tips such as what can help calm their child, a stuffed animal that may make it easier to put them to bed, etc.. More information on this can also be found here.

2. Engage!!!

It’s always best to create a relationship with the child where you have a balance between authority and friendship, it’ll lead to a more pleasant babysitting experience for both of you. The authority part is simple, establishing that you are their ‘adult’ for the time being and they need to listen to you. The friendship part is also simple, while less acknowledged: engage with them! While they are playing don’t scroll on your phone, instead, ask them if you can play, talk about what you like or dislike, inquire about their likes and dislikes.

3. Keep In Touch With the Parents/Guardians

While nurturing a good relationship with the child is always emphasized, it’s also in your best interest to develop a good relationship with the child’s parents, especially if you might be babysitting their child in the long term. The simplest way to do this is to keep in touch. Text the parents when you’ve put their child to bed and when they come back give them a quick summary of your time.

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Ananya attends University of Washington, where she hopes to major in Political Science and has aspirations to become a lawyer. In her free time, she loves to read, write, play with her dogs, and watch tv.

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