Central Park: Arguably one of the most famous parks, if not the most famous park in the United States. It’s a New York City tourist staple, but 800 acres is virtually impossible to cover over the course of one trip. From castles to lakes to fountains, this park has it all, shrouded in trees and surrounded by high-end apartment buildings.
But what’s really worth seeing on a day trip to Central Park? For nature lovers and tree-whisperers like myself, I recommend walking through The Ramble, a heavily wooded walk right off of 79th street and 5th avenue. In late February, the trees are still dead and barren, but leaves line the ground and scatter along the trail in a faux-fall experience, providing for a lovely winter walk. In the summer, the trees are once again lush and green, and I plan to visit again at that time.

The walk overlooks a lovely lake, and at this time of year, the cold, crisp air is the perfect temperature for the sloped trail. A lovely bridge crosses the lake and offers a view of the skyline, towering above the nature in a clash of natural vs. man made beauty.

Another lovely spot: a small diversion of the trail that leads to a beautiful view of the entire lake. There’s a bench where you can take a seat and enjoy the view, as well as watch the ducks. Many a family photo is taken on the rocks, and the view is a great background for solitary photos as well.

The Ramble is a great place to explore in Central Park if you’re pressed for time – and if you’ve got a whole day, it’s not far from other tourist attractions in the park such as the Belvedere Castle and the Strawberry Fields, where you can catch a performer or two render their own versions of classic Beatles songs.