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6 Self-Care Hacks for Lazy Mornings

We all know those days: you wake up at noon and even the prospect of swinging your feet out of bed is overwhelming. You resign yourself to scrolling mindlessly while that annoying voice in the back of your head tells you that you’re falling behind. And the longer you stay in bed, the more uncomfortable you become—but you just can’t find that motivation to get up!

Fortunately, I’ve compiled a list of six self-care tips to help you transition from the comfort of your bed to the waiting demands of the real world. Whether you’re reading this in advance or you’re looking for a boost of motivation right now—don’t worry, I’ve got your back.

1. Find that Perfect Song

There are days that I genuinely can’t get out of bed unless I put on The Weeknd’s “Party Monster” (there’s a reason it made my Spotify wrapped). Research done by McGill University actually links music to the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps us feel pleasure. So, playing music in the morning might just improve our spirits and get us moving.

What’s your “Party Monster”?

2. Make The Most of Your Notes App

You don’t need a fancy tool or a paid planner app—your trusty notes app can do the job just fine. Take a minute to jot down everything you want to get done once you wake up, whether it’s chores, work tasks, or grocery lists. Once it’s all laid out in front of you, you might just feel that jolt of motivation you were missing before.

3. Make Your Bed and Get Right Back In

This one’s a clever reverse-psychology hack that I use all the time. Get out of bed with the intention of getting right back in. Once you’ve stood up and made your bed, you might think, “While I’m standing, I might as well brush my teeth!” Then, after you brush your teeth, you might think: “While I’m in the bathroom, I might as well wash my face!”

Before you know it, you’ve already kickstarted your day.

4. Stretch it Out

The best thing about stretching is that you can do it almost anywhere—and that includes your comfy bed. Whether you go for simple wrist circles or sit up and reach for your toes, moving your body just a little can shake off some residual lethargy and help you feel energized.

5. Use That Snooze To Your Advantage

We’ve all been guilty of hitting the snooze button so many times that it loses all meaning. But what if it could be a tool? Instead of going back to sleep, use those precious nine minutes to do something else—scroll social media, repeat affirmations, or just sit up. Once the alarm rings a second time, you’ll have created a transition step that makes getting out of bed feel like less of a task.

6. Hydrate Before Bed

Here’s a hack that requires a little bit of planning ahead. Consider drinking a hefty amount of water or caffeine free tea before bed. When you wake up, the call of the bathroom will be hard to resist—and once you’re out of bed, it’s so much easier to get your day started.

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Neha Magesh is originally from Washington State, and she now studies journalism at NYU. She is the founder and Editor in Chief of The Spearhead Magazine. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, running, baking, and writing.

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